Hi, my name’s Blaine Bergeson and I am passionate about raising the effectiveness of Leaders at all levels both at work and at home. You and I both know that leaders must first learn how to effectively lead themselves before they are can effectively lead others. When a leader lacks discipline and emotional intelligence at work and at home they can make life miserable for those they are leading. In contrast, great leaders are never forgotten because of the difference they make in people’s lives.  Many leaders and parents do want to be more productive, have greater influence, improve their communication skills, and be more effective at resolving conflicts and motivating others, but they just don’t quite know how and where to go for help.

Helping people with these concerns every day is my superpower. I begin with helping individuals understand their unique strengths through a unique set of assessments, and then follow up with specific comprehensive training and coaching. As a Maxwell Leadership Certified Coach, Speaker, and Trainer, I first help people learn how to first lead themselves, and then turn outward and effectively lead others. The process is truly transformative.

My Leadership Journey…

After working as a leader at a variety of small and large companies for more than 30 years, I have learned that John Maxwell’s statement, “Everything Rises and Falls on Leadership” is absolutely true. I have experienced firsthand the impact both good and bad leaders have on the people they lead as well as the overall culture and success of their company and home. So why don’t people and companies invest more in training on leadership?

Why don’t leaders take it more serious and study about leadership and seek out a good mentor or coach?

That’s what I thought to myself many times over the years, but not in my early years as a leader. In 1995 I was promoted to lead a newly formed software development group within the department.  After trying to lead using mainly my title, and poorly handling a few difficult personnel problems, I realized that I was not a very effective leader.  Like most leaders, I never studied leadership in college, so I decided to invest the time and energy to become a great leader. I had no mentor, so I did what I could on my own to read everything I could find about  leadership and then implement what I felt were to best principles. I learned from my mistakes and over time my effectiveness as a leader increased to the point that eventually I was asked by other individuals and leaders to be their mentor.  Over time I realized the truth of another statement by John Maxwell,

“Leadership is influence, nothing more, nothing less.”

This was another area of my leadership that was tested when I formed and chaired an internal committee to improve the collaboration and skills of hundreds of software developers for 7 years, as well as chairing a community computer science initiative to bring computer science to all schools, at all grades, throughout Idaho.  I learned that it is a true test of a leader’s ability to influence others when those they lead don’t report to them.

During my years in leadership I was not aware that there were people that specialized in leadership coaching. I knew about consulting, but not coaching. It wasn’t until later in 2017 that I discovered that

All great leaders have a coach to take them where they can’t take themselves.

In 2017, I enrolled in the Executive MBA program at Boise State University.  I specifically chose the program because if its focus on executive leadership.  My cohort consisted of 24 seasoned professionals representing very diverse backgrounds.  Not only did we all instantly have 23 other mentors but were also each assigned a leadership coach. Throughout the program, I was able to interact with many successful leaders, read some very thought-provoking articles and books, significantly raise my own awareness, and actually put much of it into practice by helping various domestic and international companies solve real world problems. By the end of the program, I experienced first-hand how mentors and a coach create exponential growth.  Little did I know that only a couple months after completing my EMBA I would discover my next mentor, John C. Maxwell, whom the American Management Society identified as the #1 leader in business, and Business Insider called the most influential leadership expert in the world.

Since becoming certified, I have continued my studies in leadership, including such areas as Cognitive Behavioral Science, Neuro-Semantics, Behavior and Change Models, Neural Linguistic Programming, and Meta Coaching. I have now coached and trained more than 70 entrepreneurs, leaders, emerging leaders, and young married couples in over 400 sessions from all walks of life and including small to large fortune 500 companies such as LinkedIn, Sony, Google, Reddit, Twitch, Webflow, Unit21 and more raise their confidence, solve complex problems, and find greater fulfillment.

How am I different than other coaches?

I not only have experience and passion about leadership, but I have gifts and talents in listening, discernment, and teaching which are very difficult to learn by just taking a coaching certification course. These gifts combined together help me to first perceive the core beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors that are limiting the fullest expression of a person’s potential, and then followup with razor focused training, coaching, and mentoring that will help them become a disciplined leader of themselves and effective leader of others both at work and at home.

Can you trust me?

I believe that one of the best ways I can convey trust is I have been completely faithful and happily married to my one and only sweetheart for 35+ years and together we have raised 8 wonderful children, 6 girls and 2 boys. Integrity is one of my core values which I strive to maintain. My foundation and care for others comes from my faith which is the primary author of my character and continually reminds me that everyone matters and wants to feel valued, respected, and honored for who they are and what they have to offer.

In my spare time I enjoy reading, music, woodworking, and spending time with family and friends.

What about you?

So, what about you? Do you have someone that will honestly tell you where your blindspots are and help you discover what thoughts are holding your back?  Do you have a coach and mentors to help you continually grow and increase your influence as a leader both at work and at home?  I firmly believe that a person that is teachable, disciplined, persistent AND has the opportunity to work with a Professional Coach will experience exponential growth and achieve far more, in less time, than they will ever on their own. Click the button below to schedule a free consultation with me so I can help you discover your passion and accelerate your growth.