I had many of these same thoughts when I was promoted into my first leadership role over 30 years ago.
You want to develop as a leader, but you’ve never been given adequate training on leadership. Consequently, you feel pulled in many different directions and not quite sure where to focus your limited time and resources which leaves you feeling frustrated and overwhelmed.
And when you feel this way how do you talk to about it without your supervisor or peers losing confidence in you, when in reality you just need some training.
How many leaders do you know that have been promoted outside their area of expertise and into leadership only to fail miserably at being an effective leader, yet they are rarely removed which negatively impact job performance and fulfillment by every team member? They may have been great technically or as individual contributor, but you know as well as I that technical expertise does not translate into effective leadership skills.
But then again, how can you blame them. In the absence of proper training, leaders are left mimicking what some of their “good” leaders did, and avoiding what their “bad” leaders did. You and I both know that this approach rarely elevates a leader beyond average.
But that’s not you, right?
You want to feel more confident at resolving the conflicts that arise within your team and effectively hold them accountable when they fall short.
You want to effectively communicate with upper management in addition to your direct reports and peers.
You want to help your team members be motivated from within to excel and reach high levels of performance.
You want to develop your coaching abilities so you can address the people challenges when they surface.
You want to learn how to be more productive with your time in terms of running effective & productive meetings, managing all the email chatter, and accomplishing what really matters.
You want to learn how to be effective while working under a poor leader and still thrive in that environment.
You want to….But HOW?
If you are experiencing any of these challenges and you have a burning desire to receive actionable leadership training and elevate your leadership beyond average so you can have a bigger impact, show what you are capable of, and quit being ignored or passed over, then I have just the program for you!